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Organisational AAI Consultancy

We help organisations reshape their AAI Workplace Culture

Man on Wheelchair

Organisational AAI Consultancy

We can help you avoid common pitfalls, and thus enhance staff, volunteer, and patient satisfaction – and save money.

We help you meet your needs for both people and animals.


To assure quality and protect the consumer, therapy animal programs must be standards based.

Become conversant in Standards of Practice in Animal-Assisted Interventions: Activities, Education & Therapy,

We Work With

SA Service Providers, Business and Organisations.

We serve within community hospitals, disability services, retirement homes, nursing homes, courts, schools, and universities.

We work in partnership with: Schools, Local Authorities, DHS/SAHS, SA Government. Charities and Voluntary Organisations, and of course Community. 

Rates and Fees

Starting rates and each project will be considered on an individual basis and given a unique rate. 

You want to be guaranteed, value-for-money boosts to your clients, residents, people’s ‘people skills’.

We have the credibility to work with all kinds of people â€“ from specialist roles through to top executives.

We make sure we are on top form when we do our job. Effective delivery is your business and ours too.


We also have a successful, active network of associates for when the project requires it.

That way you can call on us for wider-ranging challenges… and we learn from others, which helps you.


For quick, painless performance improvement, practical solutions to oil the wheels of your organisation:



Starting rates and each project will be considered on an individual basis and given a unique rate.

A proposal will be supplied after the first initial consultation for you to consider.


You get highly prepared, enthusiastic, and professional delivery.


We know we are privileged to be in one of the most rewarding professions there is, so…....................................... 

this is a huge responsibility and we take it seriously.

With extensive private and public sector experience, including over 25 years' professional experience managing and programming AAI flagship events, Our qualified professionals are available to consult on a variety of different topics from programming to AAI management, as well as AAI studies, research, and evidence-based literature. 


Get in Touch

For all inquiries please contact

Therapeutic Dog Services


Phone: 0481293370


Animal Assisted Therapist

Phone: 0415 132 654

For all inquiries please contact us

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